Glycopeptides analysis is used to provide very helpful information about the glycans on one or more proteins. The most attractive feature of this method is its ability to link glycosylation information to exact locations (glycosylation sites) on proteins. Recently, research focused on facilitating aspects of glycopeptide analysis has advanced significantly in the areas of diagnosing or treating disease and also in developing a better understanding of disease progression and pathology. Since it can discover and characterize some novel and interesting molecules, which leads to the development of some new treatment products.
The techniques used to characterize glycopeptides are still emerging. The bottom-up approach is currently regarded as the most common method used in glycopeptides analysis, which typically involves a combination of specific enzymatic proteolysis followed by fractionation of glycopeptides by affinity chromatography or liquid chromatography and eventually glycopeptide analysis by mass spectrometry.
Numerous applications of Glycopeptide analysis can be listed, for example, it can be done on endogenous compounds to differentiate between a disease state and a healthy state, in which the result can also be used in increasing the understanding of how the same protein, from different species, can have slightly different properties. Furthermore, Glycopeptides originating from recombinantly expressed glycoproteins are also worth investigating. For instance, human erythropoietin, an endogenous compound, can be expressed in mammalian cells and is consumed illicitly by athletes in an effort to enhance their performance. Besides, the glycosylation on EPO provides quite a useful means of distinguishing the compounds, which is very important for drug testers. In other cases, recombinant proteins are expressed for human and animal consumption for quite legitimate reasons. Finally, glycopeptide analysis can even aid in the development of new products, such as in the development of an HIV vaccine.
As mentioned above, understanding the functions and bioactivities of glycoproteins is very significative. As one of the leading companies in the omics field with over years of experience in omics study, Creative Proteomics provides glycomics analysis service customized to your needs and guide you to successful research model.