Savannah News

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    Added on 14 July 2022
    Historic American Legion in Savannah offers community, expands wjcl.com Savannah was the first city in Georgia to offer an American Legion post that welcomed Black veterans....

    Added on 14 July 2022
    Savannah City Council discussing reduced millage rate wtoc.com The City of Savannah is working to decide what they need to collect from tax payers this year....

    Added on 14 July 2022
    25 Best Things to Do in Savannah (Georgia) - The Crazy Tourist thecrazytourist.com There are few southern destinations that are as quintessentially southern as Savannah. Oozing with charm, it’s a pedestrian-friendly favorite for the entire f...

    Added on 14 July 2022
    50 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Savannah, GA - TourScanner tourscanner.com Looking for fun things to do in Savannah? With ample opportunities to explore nature, a rich history full of conflict, controversy, and paranormal behavior; plu...

    Added on 14 July 2022
    15 Can't-Miss Things to Do in Savannah visitsavannah.com There is so much to do in Savannah. To make your trip planning a little easier, we’ve compiled this helpful list of 15 things to do in Savannah!...