Facebook has been started using machine learning to translate content from one language to another. Get trained on Data Science using ML course and be the ml expert. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
Data scientists, the most popular job in India, according to a recent study the demand for Data Scientist has increased by 400% in the past one year.
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According to a latest report from Independent research firm SAS named as a leader in multimodal predictive analytics and machine learning solutions. Get trained on SAS, contact us@ 080 48147185 / 48157186
The product manager of google said that google app engine is supporting python (3.7) programming language and they are ready to use it in the next 25 days.
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The technology is witnessing extraordinary changes. Nowadays, journalists are using ML for analyzing massive sets of data and the combination of ML and journalism provides deep analysis reports.
Get hands on training on Machine Learning using Data Science. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721