SAS uses AI for its Analytics platform. It helps users to better understand and adjust their model. It helps organisations to ensure fairness and transparency for deploying AI solutions.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 15th Aug.
The average salary for python professionals was Rs 10.5 lakh in 2017 and is expected to reach Rs 13.8 lakh per annum by the end of 2018. It clearly denotes 30% increase in salary. This is a loud call out for all data aspirants.
Enroll for Data Science course and get 25% off.
Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
India is considering the military usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for national security and military strategic purposes and the government is studying a report recommending the dual use of technology in aviation, naval, land systems, cyber, nuclear and biological warfare.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 15th August.
According to the latest report of Tiobe index, python beats C++ in popularity ranking. Python breaks all records and achieving into the top 3 rank into tiobe index report.
It's a loud call out for all, who wants to make a career in python profession.
New weekday batch is starting for Python from 18th September. Hit the link to book your seat:-
According to a latest report from Independent research firm SAS named as a leader in multimodal predictive analytics and machine learning solutions. Get trained on SAS, contact us@ 080 48147185 / 48157186