Today’s travelers are creating more and more digital data, helping savvy tourism operators refine their product and grow their revenue.
Many industry players are now using data analytics services to manage and process their marketing information – tracking patterns, predicting behaviors and organizing data into clear and detailed reports.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 15th Aug.
As Hadoop continued to spread through the Valley, a group of developers from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and BerkeleyDB got together and founded the first Hadoop distributor, Cloudera, in 2008.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 15th August.
Are you a beginner seeking for the best programming language to become a data scientists? SAS (34%), R Programming & Python contributes (33%), these are top 3 popular Analytical tools used by the Data Scientists.
To Learn SAS, R Programming & Python contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
The telecom sector is loosing billions of money every year due to fraud detection. Machine Learning is the best weapon for telecom industry against fraud detection. Machine Learning has the capability to self- learn, the algorithm gives accurate result which helps in detecting fraud activities.
Get flat 25% off on Data Science courses. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721