The product manager of google said that google app engine is supporting python (3.7) programming language and they are ready to use it in the next 25 days.
Get 25% off on Data Science courses. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721.
According to Forrester report, Hadoop usage is increasing 32.9% per year. Hadoop is dominating the Big Data space and trends seems to continue. Get hands on training on Hadoop. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
As Hadoop continued to spread through the Valley, a group of developers from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and BerkeleyDB got together and founded the first Hadoop distributor, Cloudera, in 2008.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 15th August.
According to the latest report of Tiobe index, python beats C++ in popularity ranking. Python breaks all records and achieving into the top 3 rank into tiobe index report.
It's a loud call out for all, who wants to make a career in python profession.
New weekday batch is starting for Python from 18th September. Hit the link to book your seat:-