The average salary for python professionals was Rs 10.5 lakh in 2017 and is expected to reach Rs 13.8 lakh per annum by the end of 2018. It clearly denotes 30% increase in salary. This is a loud call out for all data aspirants.
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Immediate requirement for tellecaller, report directly to manager, lead generation, receive calls, take messages, produce reports and organize data. Experience required 0-1 years with good communication skill. Location:- Bangalore (HSR Layout).
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According to job report 2018 of LinkedIn, job openings for Data Scientists is increasing by 45% year-on-year basis. It's a loud call out for all data aspirants.
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Are you a beginner seeking for the best programming language to become a data scientists? SAS (34%), R Programming & Python contributes (33%), these are top 3 popular Analytical tools used by the Data Scientists.
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According to Semi annual Big Data Analytics spending guide from IDC (International Data Corporation) the big data analytics revenue to reach $260 billion by 2022 with a growth of 11.9% over 2017-2022 forecast period.
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The product manager of google said that google app engine is supporting python (3.7) programming language and they are ready to use it in the next 25 days.
Get 25% off on Data Science courses. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721.