SAS announced project unity in 2008, designed to integrate data quality, data integration and master data management.
Gets hands on training on SAS. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
Facebook has been started using machine learning to translate content from one language to another. Get trained on Data Science using ML course and be the ml expert. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
The technology is witnessing extraordinary changes. Nowadays, journalists are using ML for analyzing massive sets of data and the combination of ML and journalism provides deep analysis reports.
Get hands on training on Machine Learning using Data Science. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721
The growth and popularity of R programming have been helping data-driven organizations succeed for years. Nearly every industry now sees data and analytics as a strategic competitive advantage, and R is the language of choice for the data analyst. Because of its popularity, not only is R helping drive success for companies using it, it’s driving its success as the industry standard for using data effectively. Here are a few examples of how companies use R to drive their bottom line.
With its increasing relevance across various sectors, the global demand for big data, analytics, and data science professionals are on a rise. Piling data along with a surge in fields such as AI, machine learning, and data science, has made analytics the most sought-after professions in India as well. There is an increase in demand for highly skilled professionals and companies are on a constant lookout for professionals who can fill the gap.
Get 25% off on the Data Science courses. Contact us at 080 48147185 / 40942721.Offer valid till 31st July.
R Programming language combines all statistical models and analysis. It provides a comprehensive language for manipulating and managing data.
Get hands on training on R Programming language. Contact us@080 48147185 / 40952721
According to job report 2018 of LinkedIn, job openings for Data Scientists is increasing by 45% year-on-year basis. It's a loud call out for all data aspirants.
Get trained on Data Science courses to be Data Scientists. Contact us@ 080 48147185 / 40952721