Your smile will have a direct, subconscious visual impact on the people you meet. The bright smile gives the impression of youth, vitality, health, happiness, and warmth. A bright smile is considered a healthy smile.
People with normal dental hygiene and healthy teeth may also be dissatisfied with some aspects of a smile. Teeth discoloration and other orthodontics concerns like misshapen teeth can all affect a person’s appearance and confidence. People who are self-aware about the presence of their teeth and gums often find themselves reluctant to smile in public, keep their mouth shut in photographs and even cover their mouths while laughing. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers these people a likely excellent solution in the form of a fully customized smile makeover treatment plan.
Good alignment of teeth.
Smile Arc
Ratio and symmetry of Incisors (Golden Proportion)
Spaces between Incisor teeth
Gums: Health, color, and contour
Buccal corridor space (A dark space seen while smiling at corner of the mouth)
The midline of teeth and Inclination of teeth
Black Triangles
Tooth color and shape
Lips-Health, shape & thickness
Special offer for Teeth Whitening:
Full examine of your smile
Full mouth scaling and cleaning
Full mouth polishing
Brushing Techniques.
Time: Single sitting of about 30-40 minutes.
Advised 2 weeks before the ceremony.
A full evaluation of your smile
Full mouth scaling and cleaning
Full mouth polishing
Brushing Techniques.
Re contouring and composite bonding veneers for upper front teeth.
Time: Single sitting of about 30-50 minutes.
Advised 2 weeks before the ceremony.
A full evaluation of your smile
Full mouth scaling and cleaning
Full mouth polishing
Brushing Techniques.
Re contouring and composite bonding veneers for upper front teeth.
In-Office Teeth Whitening
Time: 1-2 sittings within a week
Advised about 2 weeks before the ceremony
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover – but we all do! One of the first judgments we make with people is how they smile and how confident they are. In fact, it’s difficult to not form an immediate opinion about someone based on their smile.
What makes an attractive smile? Why do some smiles exude confidence and look naturally beautiful, while others look plain and average?
How can teeth make one person look older and another person look younger? What makes one person’s smile a loser while another person’s smile a real winner?
While most people don’t know exactly what constitutes a nice smile, most will recognize a nice smile when they see one.
there is both an art and science of restoring and creating strong attractive smiles.
Smile design is a term coined in recent years for a job that the Orthodontists have been doing for a century now- creating beautiful smiles.