Roots Through Recovery

  • 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807
Roots Through Recovery is Long Beach's leading trauma-focused treatment center for alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health, and chronic pain.
  • 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807

Roots Through Recovery

Roots Through Recovery is Long Beach's leading trauma-focused treatment center for alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health, and chronic pain.
  • 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807
Roots Through Recovery is Long Beach's leading trauma-focused treatment center for alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health, and chronic pain.
  • 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807
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Added on 24 April 2019
Employee Assistance - EAPs and Unions | Visual.ly visual.ly Throughout time, employees struggling with addiction and other mental health issues have been unfairly targeted and mistreated by employers. But as th .... read more

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Roots experienced team provides personalized programs to resolve trauma for people to reclaim their lives and create their own path of recovery. Get help now. More
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