Orgone is the universal Life force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter on the material planet. ORGONE is also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, universal energy.
We need to convert this negative energy into positive to lead a healthy and content life. Orgone pyramids are a great help in this regard. They attract stagnant and negative energy, draw it and transform it back into its original, natural and balanced state.
Orgone is the term derived from orgonite which is coined for essential energy discovered by Wilhelm Reich. This essential or life energy is present throughout nature and also known as "Chi", "Elan Vital", "Prana", "Ether", or "fifth element".
Orgone pendulum is a unique loom for removing all uncertainties, wrong movements, and readings encountered by pendulum users. The yantra moves with vital orgone energy field and provides an accurate result.