Priti Lad Professional Corporation

  • Virtual CFO Canada
  • 343 Preston Street, suite 1100
  • Virtual CFO Canada
  • 343 Preston Street, suite 1100
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  • 343 Preston Street, suite 1100
    Ottawa, ON K1S 1N4, CANADA


Best Virtual cfo services
Cfo controller services
Virtual CFO Canada
Cfo services for mid-sized businesses
Virtual accounting services


Priti Lad Professional Corporation is a full-service Virtual CFO and Controller that caters to corporate businesses. Our mission is to offer insightful, advanced financial services and tools, so clients can focus on what is important—growing their business. We strive to provide practical, customer-focused, strategic solutions that will help increase profitability, while also securing financial future for the business owners.
Website Trust Checkerpritiladcpa.ca

Trust Score

0 / 100
