A Treadmill is a device that is generally used for running or walking or climbing while staying at the place. It is used as a machine for exercise and keeping the body fit it by moving on the continuous moving belt on which a person needs to run or walk. It is a device of constant exercise that can be performed both at home and in the gym. It helps in continuous walking which is a new form of exercise within a stipulated time and speed. The scale of speed can be increased with the device depending on the capacity of the person who is exercising using the device. By walking on the treadmill, strength and endurance are developed within a person that is appreciable regardless of the fitness level. The machine can be used for jogging and interval training.
Pros and Cons of Treadmills
About Manual Treadmill
As the name suggests, a manual treadmill is powered by the user itself, which is referred to as the non-motorized treadmill. The user has the control over the belt in a manual treadmill to rotate it at their desired speed. It gives an intense workout to the lower part of the body as all the force comes from the legs and not from the machine. But the manual treadmill can be hardly used for running as it reaches a maximum speed of 3.5 to 4.0 miles per hour. The manual treadmill executes with the action of the feet of the user that moves the belt against the deck. The belt only moves if the user moves it. Exercising on a manual treadmill has a lot of fitness benefits that can get the heart rates of the user into a higher zone at a lower speed. Apart from the two categories of the treadmill- manual and motorized, a new category of the treadmill has been introduced in the market, i.e. the curved belt non-motorized treadmill.