Pooja Mahajan

    • Research Analyst

    Pooja Mahajan

    • Research Analyst
    • Research Analyst
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    Added on 07 December 2018
    Video Telemedicine - A Step ahead in Healthcare

    Download Research Study With Latest Advancements & Application: http://bit.ly/2UiahsK

    Healthcare extracts the foremost attention and expense out of populations in comparison to all other aspects of life. But the number of medical practitioners and hospital facilities is limited, and confined mostly within metropolitan areas. Thanks to advancements in telecommunication technologies, it is now possible to remotely examine patients with the help of video telemedicine.

    Video telemedicine refers to a group of technologies and devices used to enable interaction between patients in remote areas and medical professionals.

    The major advantage offered by video telemedicine technologies is the increase in efficiency brought about in management of diseases. Since physically visiting a doctor can be taxing or in some cases impossible for rural patients, video telemedicine allows doctors to prescribe medication or therapies through a diagnosis over video conferencing. Apart from patients in remote areas, urban patient-doctor interactions are also benefited by video telemedicine; support for the same from insurance companies is also growing, promoting the acceptance of video telemedicine.


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