The Passionate Earth Project entailed a long process of conceptualizing the vision of connecting individuals with their environment and exactly how this would be accomplished. I continued to read a variety More
Our biosphere is a very complicated system of interrelationships. These relationships include the interactions between microorganisms, soil, water, rocks, the atmosphere, the global chemistry and all flora and fauna.
Polluting the
An excerpt from the Passionate Earth: The Evolution of Our Relationship with the Natural World by John Del Signore. I will be posting new articles to this site ...
Quick technological fixes will not correct our #environmental mistakes. We must view the planet as an organism of utmost sophistication, complexity and diversity. Our lifestyles must take-into account the larger picture of our relationship with the biosphere and its prerequisites as a sustainable organism. #Sustainability #ClimateChangeProjects #Nature #EconomicEnvironment #DestructionofNature
Is It Too Late?
I previously stated that I believe immediate and ongoing action to restore the health of the planet would likely result in positive outcomes, thus we should pro...
Nature of Economic Environment in Business Environment
Humans belong to nature and are participants in the scheme of existence. Given their significant capacities as sentient beings, they have a responsibility to respect all other entities and acknowledge the intrinsic worth of the biosphere.
Sustainability and Climate Change in Coastal Communities
A change in values and lifestyle to a philosophy of sustainability and a mandate for life to be a journey of discovery and fulfillment would alter all aspects of our culture. The economic struggles and preoccupation with materialism and procuring power and wealth would then become meaningless.