The Passionate Earth Project entailed a long process of conceptualizing the vision of connecting individuals with their environment and exactly how this would be accomplished. I continued to read a variety More
The ecological perspective related to personalism asserts that humans are part and parcel to the natural world and to the cosmos at large and thus, the inherent nature of the individual is in fact the inherent nature of the universe.
Sustainability and Climate Change Consulting Passionateearthproject
The “Great Turning” refers to the transition and transformation from the ideologies of the industrial age to the new perspectives of respect for the planet, sustainability of the biosphere, and a sense of participation and connectedness with our habitat.
The Indians’ worldview was compiled from the culmination of all life experiences and from tradition. They also believed that what they didn’t understand and hadn’t experienced yet would be revealed to them during their lifetime.
Sustainability and Climate Change in Coastal Communities
Humanity has declared itself the stewards of the Earth. We promise to live lives of sustainability, to use Earth’s resources with consideration and to care for the environment so it will remain in a pristine state forever.
Nature of Economic Environment in Business Environment
Humans belong to nature and are participants in the scheme of existence. Given their significant capacities as sentient beings, they have a responsibility to respect all other entities and acknowledge the intrinsic worth of the biosphere.
Is It Too Late?
I previously stated that I believe immediate and ongoing action to restore the health of the planet would likely result in positive outcomes, thus we should pro...