Nowakowski Painting Services

  • 16 Sandy Hollow Drive Waterford, CT 06385
  • 16 Sandy Hollow Drive Waterford, CT 06385
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  • 16 Sandy Hollow Drive
    Waterford, CT 06385, UNITED STATES


We are fully licensed and insured residential and commercial painting and general contractor company. We serve the Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. At Nowakowski Painting Services, Professionalism and customer service come first. Our staff is experienced and professional we make every attempt to meet our customer’s needs. Our reputation is based upon making sure that the details of every contracted job, interior or exterior is cared for from start to finish. We are committed to getting it right. Our goal is to make every Nowakowski Painting Services job a customer experience of lasting positive value.
Our trained staffs of painters and contractors are able to work at your convenient time to minimize any disruption to your environment. With a trained professional monitored by our management staff, we strive to make your experience a great one.
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