OUTDOOR KEEPERS | Gutter Cleaning
The growth of lichen, moss, and algae can cause significant damage to a roof, which is why it is one of the leading causes of roof replacement.
You probably weren't aware that the unsightly black streaks and stains on your roof may be cleaned and treated in a safe way, but they can be. Did it occur to you that the fungi and bacteria that are causing those unsightly streaks are actually eating away at your roof?
Contact Information
1100 Industrial Rd #6 ,San Carlos, CA 94070 jobs@outdoorkeepers.com
Your home or place of business can be judged to a large extent by how clean its grounds are. Maintaining the cleanliness and lustre of your windows should be a top priority for you because they are one of the primary focus points of any building. The problem is that windows are subjected to so many different factors that it is impossible to expect anyone to keep up with their cleaning at all times.
OUTDOOR KEEPERS | Gutter Protection System
Customers will noticeably lengthen the amount of time their roofs remain functional if they perform routine maintenance on them. We utilise a gentle wash cleaning technology that does not apply any pressure to your roof in order to ensure that your roof is cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage. To be more exact, we make use of small pumps powered by 12 volts that apply an environmentally safe biodegradable treatment to your roof and then...
OUTDOOR KEEPERS | Gutter & Downspout Repair
Cleaning of the Green Roof
It is general known that the cost of repairing or replacing a home's roof is the single most expensive form of home upkeep. Despite this, a significant number of homeowners never perform any kind of preventative maintenance on their roofs. The cost of roof cleaning is often less than one percent of the total cost of roof replacement, and doing routine maintenance can increase the lifespan of a roof by two times.
Contact Information
1100 Industrial Rd #6 ,San Carlos, CA 94070 jobs@outdoorkeepers.com
OUTDOOR KEEPERS | Solar Panel Cleaning
Expenses That Are High
This reduction in useful life can result in premature replacement and maintenance expenses for property owners that run into the thousands of dollars. Dark stains on your roof will absorb more heat and boost under-roof attic temperatures, which will cost property owners additional sums of money in terms of their electric bills. This damage will occur in addition to the harm that will be caused by a dirty roof. Keeping your roof in good condition might cut your monthly electricity costs by as much as forty percent. Because of this, the majority of roof cleanings will cover their costs within a year of being performed.
Contact Information
1100 Industrial Rd #6 ,San Carlos, CA 94070 jobs@outdoorkeepers.com