pravallika Bandaru

    Added on 16 August 2019

    Integrating data types into a big data environment ?

    16 August 2019

    Another important aspect of big data is that you often don’t need to own all the data that you will use. Many examples make the point. You may be leveraging social media data, data coming from third-party industry statistics, or even data coming from satellites. Just think about social media and you’ll understand what we mean. Oftentimes, it becomes necessary to integrate different sources.  Get More Info On Big Data Certification

    This data may be coming from all internal systems, from both internal and external sources, or from entirely external sources. Much of this data may have been soiled before. Data need not be coming to you in real time. You just may have a lot of it and it is disparate in nature. 

    This could  Currently qualify as a big data problem. Of course, you could also be faced with a scenario where you’re seeing huge volumes of data, at high velocities, and it is disparate in nature. 

    The point is that you won’t get the business value if you deal with a variety of data sources as a set of disconnected silos of information. Components you want  include connectors and metadata, which we discuss next. Read More Info On Big Data Training In Bangalore


    You want to have some connectors that enable you to pull data in from various big data sources. Maybe you need  a Twitter connector or a Facebook one. Maybe you Want  to integrate from your data warehouse with a big data source that’s off your premises so that you can analyze both of these sources of data together. 


    A critical component to integrating all this data is the metadata. Metadata is the definitions, mappings, and other characteristics used to describe how to find, access, and use a company’s data (and software) components.

    This might include the number, description, data type, name, address, phone number, and privacy level. Metadata can be used to help you organize your data stores and deal with new and changing sources of data. Although the idea of metadata is not new,it is changing and evolving in the context of big data. 

     In the traditional metadata world, it is important to have a catalog that provides a single view of all data sources. But this catalog will have to be different when you don’t control all these data sources. You may need an analytic tool that will help you understand the underlying metadata  Get More Points Hadoop Training 

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