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    Added on 20 August 2019

    Common Design Mistakes to Avoid

    20 August 2019

    Design mistakes are like enemies waiting in the shadows, ready to ambush at a moments notice. No amount of practice can keep them away except for a vigilant eye. While a fresher is most likely to make mistakes at the start of his career, it should be noted that a professional is no exception from making mistakes. The best thing a person can do is to keep their minds open and make a constant effort in ensuring these mistakes don’t ruin your design or the company’s reputation for whom you are designing for. As per the providers of Ui Ux design services, you should avoid the following mentioned designing mistakes.

    Without further a due, here are 9 mistakes that a Designer should avoid-


    – Misinterpreting the task

    Before the designing process can begin for a client, it is crucial that he understand the client’s needs and wants in the design. It is crucial that you clear all doubts and queries regarding the design with the clients. Failing to do so can lead to ill reputation of your company, multiple tries, waste of time and the client loosing his cool.

    Of-course this is an extremely worst case scenario that we took and nowhere are we saying all clients will be like this, however..failing to talk to the client and clarifying your doubts can be problematic.


    -Being Monotonous

    A designer that fails to deliver conceptual design is one problem, but one that simply carries on with one design pattern (for example- only vector art) can be a problem in the long run. Say for instance a client wishes for a new approach in design and since the designer lacked a new approach towards design, they might face difficulty in appeasing the client’s wants in the first go.

    In this case, it is crucial that a designer keeps experimenting, play around with design, try wacky and surreal designs. Focus on delivering creative that leave your client’s jaw dropping (and we mean in a good way).


    -Font Clutter

    While typography is important in a design and we encourage new and old to experiment. However, one must ensure that a design should not contain more than 3 types of fonts. Using 4-10 different fonts in hopes of making your design stand out may intern lead to readability issues and lack of interest in the reader.


    -Bombarding with Elements

    When it comes to design, one of the many mistakes a designer tends to make is underestimate the power of simplicity. A design should be simple enough to understand what is happening, rather than bombard it with elements from end to end. Doing this, a design looses it’s appeal and look like a apple pie filled with eggs, turkey and chicken stuffing.

    In other words, don’t place so many elements that your reader/viewer is unable to make out what it is all about.


    -Over promising to the client

    Many times we come across a visual that is so appealing that we think that we can remake this with our style incorporated in it, but requires time & effort. So we present the client with our idea and ask for time in making it. Here is where the trouble starts, the design was so impressive that you understand that the time taken must have been more than you expected. Now you are in a jam, you have promised the client the said time, and are in need to deliver in the said timeline. This is problem 1.

    Problem 2 is when you promise a client a design that you were unsure that you could make. Both of these situations are like red flags for a designer. So, don’t over promise.


    -Font spacing

    Modifying the space between letters can make the wording progressively neat and satisfying to the eye. However, abusing spacing or not giving close consideration to it can cause some serious issues, from misinterpretations to wrecking a Layout structure’s cohesiveness.


    -Using Of Stock Images

    Ahh yes, the treasure trove of every designer, Stock images! We all love stock images, they are hd in nature and not to mention can sometimes help a designer in a tight jam.

    But don’t forget, this treasure trove is available to every designer, meaning that the vector based illustrations one might use, has already been used by another designer in their piece. Which is why, it is crucial that you ensure that the images you use are not always as it is. Make sure to edit them, otherwise the assignment or job for your client may turn out to be low-priced and improper.


    -Spelling Errors

    Didn’t cross your mind huh?! Well checking for spelling errors is as important as your teacher taught when you were in school! Well jokes apart, it is something a designer must strive not to overlook. Yes, there are copywriters/content writers in a company that could check for spelling errors. However you won’t find anyone helping you in your personal/ freelancing project, or will you?

    So it is crucial that every designer makes it habit of not letting the spelling be their undoing.


    -Designing as Per Needs

    As creative professionals, we all have this affinity to design the way we think would be best, which is not a bad thing as long as you have been asked to exercise creativity. But, if a client has asked you to make a design according to him/her, then you follow it to the end. You do not add in or remove what the client hasn’t asked you for. Remember, client is paying for the design that you make, and as a design professional it is our duty to deliver what he is paying for.

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