Robert Rodriquez

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Added on 28 June 2018
The future of smart cities: Utopian dream or dystopian nightmare?

ExpressVPN takes a look at the weird and wonderful world of Smart Cities. Do they represent a futuristic fluffy, Disneyesque paradise? Or an Orwellian nightmare of torment and confinement? What do youthink about smart cities? Utopia or Dystopia? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/smart-cities
The future of smart cities: Utopian dream or dystopian nightmare? expressvpn.com The Internet of Things turned up to 11; smart cities can make lives easier, but also control our entire environment. Good or bad?...

Added on 28 June 2018
ExpressVPN infographic: The Panama Leak in numbers

The Panama Leak affected many people with offshore accounts. But is it a victory over the corrupt, or a blow for financial privacy? ExpressVPN’s monthly infographic takes a look at some of the statistics of the huge financial document breach. Was the Panama Leak a just expose of the corrupt? Or a privacy blow to the financially guarded? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! www.expressvpn.com/blog/panama-leak-data-infographic

Added on 28 June 2018
Batman v Superman: The best secret identity infographic

Batman and Superman are currently slogging it out in the cinemas — there’s explosions, blood, sweat, and tears. But ExpressVPN are only interested in one thing: https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/batman-v-superman
Who do you think would win? Does Batman’s VPN beat Superman’s godliness?

Added on 28 June 2018
iPhone vs. Bitcoin: Over the years, how many iPhones could you buy for 1 Bitcoin?

Between its inception in 2009 and today, Bitcoin has enjoyed a spectacular rise in value. First traded in early 2010, the cryptocurrency was pretty much worthless through its first year. In June 2010, when the iPhone 4 came out, it cost almost 10,000 Bitcoins (the equivalent of US$649, the price of every single standard iPhone at its release date—until the release of iPhone 8 this week).
Infographic: How many iPhones you got for 1 Bitcoin from 2010 to now expressvpn.com When the iPhone 4 hit the shops, it cost 1 Bitcoin. But Bitcoin's value has increased, and you can get a lot more iPhones for 1 Bitcoin now....