If you work as a general contractor in Staten Island you undoubtedly have a lot on your plate. One thing you definitely don’t want to overlook, however, is getting general contractor liability insurance. This type of insurance can provide you with the protection you need in the event that something goes wrong with one of your jobs. As you undoubtedly know, all contractors will at some point have a situation where the job does not go as planned. When this occurs, the customer may end up filing a lawsuit against you or your business to be compensated for the problem. Even if the issue was not caused by you, it is still important to have the insurance to either defend yourself in court or pay the expenses to make everything right.
Depending on the type of work you do, there are quite a few options to consider when it comes to GC general liability insurance. You can typically have any or all of these types of coverages on your policy to ensure you are protected no matter what type of work you are doing.