NSR Australia

    Helping Australian students get sport scholarships and study in the USA in a variety of sports including soccer, basketball and swimming.
    • Sports Scholarships In Melbourne

    NSR Australia

    Helping Australian students get sport scholarships and study in the USA in a variety of sports including soccer, basketball and swimming.
    • Sports Scholarships In Melbourne
    Helping Australian students get sport scholarships and study in the USA in a variety of sports including soccer, basketball and swimming.
    • Sports Scholarships In Melbourne
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    Added on 24 January 2018

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    NSR provides an opportunity at all levels, not just elite, because US colleges are very interested in progressively minded international student-athletes. NSR will match the skills and attitude of the More
    Added on 24 January 2018
    Helping Australian students get sport scholarships and study in the USA in a variety of sports including soccer, basketball and swimming.At NSR we provide a new pathway for student-athletes to further their potential, academically and athletically at a well-established US college. NSR provides the perfect balance by giving your child the best environment to advance their sport, along with achieving a high level in education, that will help create an invaluable platform for their future. NSR aims to unite a passion for sport and education in one perfect setting.

    Added on 24 January 2018
    NSR provides an opportunity at all levels, not just elite, because US colleges are very interested in progressively minded international student-athletes. NSR will match the skills and attitude of the student-athlete to the right US college for them, while taking into consideration things like academic and athletic standing and your family’s budget.For over 10 years, NSR has been providing over 1500 pathways to thousands of US colleges. We have been able to achieve this through our established connections with sporting associations and US colleges and universities with accredited international student programs. Right now, NSR have over 300 students in US colleges studying and playing sport, creating new networks, and opening up opportunities that would not have been available in Australia. With over 85% of NSR placements completing their degrees, we’re helping kids find themselves as they journey into adulthood.

    Added on 24 January 2018

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