
    Novaferrum manufactures a clinically proven and efficacious iron supplement that is gluten, lactose, sugar, & alcohol-free.
    • Liquid Iron Supplements for Whole Family


    Novaferrum manufactures a clinically proven and efficacious iron supplement that is gluten, lactose, sugar, & alcohol-free.
    • Liquid Iron Supplements for Whole Family
    Novaferrum manufactures a clinically proven and efficacious iron supplement that is gluten, lactose, sugar, & alcohol-free.
    • Liquid Iron Supplements for Whole Family
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    Added on 04 April 2022
    Why Adequate Iron Level in Blood Important?

    Iron is one of the essential nutrients that our bodies require. While nutritionists and dieticians advise adults to take liquid iron supplements, any iron substitute should only be used after consulting with a physician. Many people take iron supplements or eat more foods that are high in iron. This infographics indicates why adequate iron level in blood is essential and who should need iron supplement most.


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    NovaFerrum produces and supplies a wide range of multivitamins and iron supplements for all age groups. Clinically tested and great tasting, the products are free of synthetic sweeteners and artificial More
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