Silk Plus Hair Removal Cream advanced hair inhibitor system is a 100% pain-free effective cream. This unique cream contains a unique blend of specially bioactive plant extracts which are designed to seep into the hair follicle, thereby breaking up and softening the hair shaft naturally and making the hair “fall out” without causing any irritation to most sensitive skin.
"Skin is the largest body organ which is exposed to hazardous environmental pollutants like sunrays & fumes of chemicals. All these factors cause great harm to skin tissue. In summer it burns & looses its moisture & gets tanned which causes scratches, rashes & bacterial attacks & prickly heats. Such summers cause excessive perspiration which produces offensive body odor.
"In day-to-day lives skin is exposed to dust, smoke, fumes, heat, environmental pollutants & sun rays. All these cause great harm to skin tissue. In summer it burns, looses moisture & gets tanned. Our other parts smell offensive due to bad body odor. Skin gets scratches & rashes due to bacterial attacks also.
“Nimson Coconut Jasmine Oil” is a combination of Chameli, Til Oil, Coconut oil & Brahmi Amla Oil. All of these are indicated in Classical texts of Ayurveda for their nourishing & caring benefits towards scalp & hair.