"“Nimson Boroneem Talcum Powder” is a blend of Santara, Gulab, Tulsi, Neelgiri, Tea tree, naturally occurring Minerals & other important ingredients to control harmful effects occurring due to excessive perspiration in summer season.
Regular use helps soothe & heal skin from sunstroke, excessive sweating during summers & minor skin allergies, prickly heat, irritation,
"“Nimson Bodyguard Talc” is a blend of Pudina Satva, Tulsi, Jamiri Nimbu, Neem & Tea Tree along side naturally occurring Minerals & other important ingredients to control harmful effects due to excessive perspiration in summer season.
Regular use helps soothe & heal skin from sunstroke, excessive sweating during summers & minor skin allergies, prickly heat, irritation, itching & offensive body odor."
"“Nimson Hair Defence Oil” is made includes “Keshya” (Beneficial for Hair) Herbs as main ingredients like: Bhringraja, Vibhitaka, Ketaki, Gambhari, Gunja, Indrayan & Til Oil.
It helps control itching, irritation, dandruff & premature graying, thinning & falling of hair."
"Skin is the largest body organ which is exposed to hazardous environmental pollutants like sunrays & fumes of chemicals. All these factors cause great harm to skin tissue. In summer it burns & looses its moisture & gets tanned which causes scratches, rashes & bacterial attacks & prickly heats. Such summers cause excessive perspiration which produces offensive body odor.