New Ground Environmental Pty Ltd

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    • Suite 6/2563 Gold Coast Hwy
      Mermaid Beach, QLD 4218, AUSTRALIA
    9:00 am - 5:00 pm


    Bushfire consultants
    Environmental management
    Sustainable development


    Our company specializes in providing high-quality environmental and ecological consulting services, focusing on Bushfire Hazard Assessment and Management, Ecological Assessment Reports, Ecological Impact Mitigation, and Environmental Approvals. Our experienced core team and process-driven approach ensure tangible savings and efficiency without sacrificing quality. We possess the ability to provide niche technical inputs and can rapidly scale our operations using our network of specialist technical consultants.

    Our team includes: Environmental Planners, Ecologists, Level 5 Arborists, Bushfire Consultants, Botanists, Aquatic Ecologists, Fauna Species Specialists, Rehabilitation Contractors, GIS and Mapping Specialists, and Fauna/Koala Spotter Catchers, allows us to deliver tailored, sustainable solutions to meet the unique requirements of each project.
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