Added on 23 July 2018
    Top 4 Mind Bending Theories That Will Change Your Reality

    What is the meaning of life, how did it come to be and where are we heading? Such huge questions are to complex for many of us to comprehend. But others have spent their lifes work developing theories to provide the answers. Buckle up because it’s about to get heavy, These are the Top 4 Mind Bending Theories That Will Change Your Reality

    4. The Singularity Theory

    The Theory:

    A term used to describe a moment or point in time when a civilization changes so much, that the technology as well as its general rules become incomprehensible to those living in the previous generations.

    Singularity can be kick started by a rapid jump in scientific and technological changes. The change will happen so fast and will be deemed so profound that much of what we are and how we function today will be changed drastically. In many ways, it's a point of no return.

    3. Simulation Theory

    The Theory:

    You, me and the entire universe are nothing but a giant simulation run by higher beings who are smarter than we are. What's more, the game is so lifelike we don't even know we exist in it and we will also never find out.

    The Simulation theory might sound like the main plot to the Matrix but it's also a real scientific theory. While it's been proposed before, it first gained media attention in a 2003 paper by philosopher, Nick Bostrom titled, "Are You Living in a Simulation?" In his paper, he suggests that in the future, humans will be able to create such powerful computers that humans won't be able to distinguish between reality and simulations.

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