Naya kratom provides the Highest Quality Kratom Strains. Always obtain yourself thinking about all the wonderful qualities of high-quality kratom Strains, only to realize that you’re about to run out. And even with the very best vendors out there, delivery is most likely to take at least a few days. Kratom can also be classified based on the color of its leaf veins. As kratom trees grow, the veins of their leaves take on different colors based on environmental factors. The basic types of kratom colors are red, green, and white. So, for example, Red Bali kratom comes from Bali, and the veins of its leaves took on a red color while growing up. On some kratom websites, you’ll find products called enhanced kratom. This means that the product is a kratom extract. Extracts are more potent than regular kratom products because they pack a lot of kratom into a tiny volume.