Nasiol India

  • East Of Kailash, Delhi, India
Nasiol is the world leader in protective nano-coatings for automobiles, home surfaces and personal goods. Based out of Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Ceramic Coating India
  • East Of Kailash, Delhi, India
Added on 05 July 2019

Ceramic Coating is the New Trend of Automotive Industry

05 July 2019

Now a days ceramic coatings have stormed the automotive market. Dozens of brands claim that they provide the best and long lasting protection. And yes they do deliver great results. The vehicles coated with ceramic coating look brand new, are really easy to wash and also have greater resell value.

What really is ceramic coating?

Ceramic coating is applied to clean and polished automobile clearcoat. Scientifically, it is a liquid polymer and is based on SiO2 silica. The bond between clearcoat and coating is mechanical, not chemical. It means there can’t be any reaction between the clearcoat and coating. Try Nasiol Ceramic Coating Products for Cars.

Does it lasts forever?

Ceramic coatings are semi-permanent, not permanent. It means that after some time, it wears off and loses its characteristics. If a customer wants to prolong the protection, he will have to visit a detailing studio for maintenance. Nasiol Ceramic car coating for a shiny and protected ride!

Is it hard like a diamond?

Most of the protective coating brands claim that their product can go through any stress equal to 9H. The applicators and customers always use this term without even knowing its exact meaning. Hardness can be measured in a lot of ways but the difference between measurement methods is substantial.

Ceramic coating products for cars from Nasiol are the best. 

Ceramic coating vs Clearcoat

It is really important for the owner of a vehicle to fully understand what additional protection properties a ceramic coating can give to his ride. Unfortunately a customer has to pay a big amount for scratch resistance difference between ceramic coating and clearcoat. But the parameters of equation are not always the same. Ceramic Car Coating is really beneficial for your car. 

What happens to coating if your ride meets an accident?

A vehicle looks really shiny and elegant after the application of ceramic coating but unfortunately ceramic coatings do not protect the ride from accidents. Ceramic coating can be removed by polishing or by sanding. The problem arises when there is no apparent sign of the removal of coating. 

SOURCE URL: https://ceramic-car-coating.multiscreensite.com/


Our products are super effective in protecting a lot of surfaces like glass, ceramic, metal, wood etc. The great benefits in which Nasiol outclasses other nano-coating brands are stain repellency, scratch More
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