Nale Yatching

    Naleia Yachting offers wonderful flotilla holidays to experience true sailing and refreshing your knowledge.
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    Naleia Yachting offers wonderful flotilla holidays to experience true sailing and refreshing your knowledge. Our Flotilla sailing holidays are the appropriate option for any sailing enthusiast with an More
    Added on 01 September 2018
    Find with us the best sailing yacht charter for sailing in Greece. We provide affordable yacht charter for your holidays. Charter your crewed sailing yacht with us https://www.naleiayachting.com/

    Added on 01 September 2018
    Naleia Yachting provides you the best destinations and itineraries for your sailing holidays in Greece: Cyclades, Dodecanese, and Ionian Islands. https://www.naleiayachting.com/

    #sailing #holidays #destinations

    Added on 18 August 2018
    Sailing holidays and yacht charters in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Every night away from base. No onsite charges.
    Check https://www.naleiayachting.com/book-now/

    #IonianIslands #Greece #yachtcharters

    Added on 18 August 2018
    Searching for one of a kind involvement with Greek Ionian ocean? Book Naleia Yachting starting its week 2018/36, `Ancient Track` Route, Greece. You will be checking in at Marina Alimos in Kalamaki, Athens, Greece

    #ioniansea #exploreGreece #igersGreece

    Added on 07 August 2018
    Added on 07 August 2018
    Why Do You Book Flotilla Sailing in the Ionian? – Naleia Yachting – Medium medium.com More often a question strikes in mind that why do sailors from all around the world consider flotilla sailing in the Ionian. The Ionian…...

    Added on 13 June 2018
    These are some features which you will always get while yachting with us.

    Dinghy, outboard engine with gasoline,
    GPS & nautical charts
    Sheets and blankets
    Stereo & outside cockpit speakers

    #Dinghy #Dinghysailing #nautical #cockpit

    Added on 13 June 2018
    Are you wondering as to why you should book Flotilla Sailing in the Ionian, then check https://naleiayachting.wordpress.com/2018/06/02/why-do-you-book-flotilla-sailing-in-the-ionian/ Call +43 681 814 033 13 for more.

    #Flotilla #Sailing #Ionian #Ioniansea #Ionianislands #Ionianblue
    Why Do You Book Flotilla Sailing in the Ionian? naleiayachting.wordpress.com More often a question strikes in mind that why do sailors from all around the world consider flotilla sailing in the Ionian. The IonianSeacan give you a perfect...

    Added on 09 April 2018
    The flotillas involve an armada of exquisite and contemporary yachts and sailboats cruising the Greek islands at an unwinding pace guided by a primary pontoon and its team


    #yachtboats #sailingboats
    Flotilla Holidays:True Spirit of Sailing in Greece - Naleia Yachting naleiayachting.over-blog.com Flotilla sailing in Greece of Naleia YachtingLocated at the crossing point of Africa, Europe and Asia, it’s hard to overlook the amazing character that G...

    Added on 20 March 2018
    Do you want us to arrange yacht sailing vacation on your request, Naleia Yachting is ready for it. Please remember that we are only available on routes of the Amalfi coast, Aeolian Islands of Italy & in The Odessey of Greece.


    #AeolianIslands #Amalficoast #Odessey #BVI