What is meant by http://www-mywifiext-net-login? How does it work?
http://www.mywifiext.net login enable user to configure or re configure NETGEAR WiFi range extender in existing home network. Once you enter http://www.mywifiext.net, login window will be prompted. Here you will be asked to enter credentials to login into www.mywifiext.net local web page. Any new NETGEAR Wi-Fi range extender which is yet to be installed is assigned with default credentials i.e Username- admin and Password- password. In case you had already changed its credentials then you have to enter them over there.
Once you enter these credentials, www.mywifiext.net setup wizard will be launched. Here you can modify various configurations of NETGEAR range extender in the way you want. That is why knowledge of www.mywifiext.net setup page is foremost for all NETGEAR extender’s user.
You can follow any one method out of WPS and manual method for new NETGEAR Wi-Fi range extender setup. But in both cases you will require www.mywifiext.net login, if you desire to modify NETGEAR range extender’s configuration.
In case you want to explore about http://www.mywifiext.net setup wizard and how it can be used with all NETGEAR range extender, you can follow the same by clicking on below link. http://mywifiext-net.us