Hyderabad News

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    • News, Events, Real Estate, Restaurants & Business
    Added on 11 July 2020
    Meet the Indian startup behind the electric fleet of India's top e-commerce companies businessinsider.in Gayam Motor Works was founded in 2011 by brothers Raja and Rahul, along with Sri Harsha Bavirisetty. Today, they are working with BigBasket, Flipkart, Grofers,...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    Dineout eyes global expansion telanganatoday.com Using machine learning, artificial intelligence to bring disruption in food & beverage sector...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    Disruption hub: 9 startups at Hyderabad-based startup incubator T-Hub debut niche solutions to comba... financialexpress.com Bluesemi has built a smart contactless and wireless thermal sensor and imager that measures the temperature of individuals and even heat maps crowds....

    Added on 11 July 2020
    How fintech startup Zaggle pivoted from B2B2C to B2B SaaS platform for corporates yourstory.com Zaggle’s SaaS solution helps companies track their spending and also helps in rewarding employees digitally. The fintech startup is now betting on Rs 7,000 cr...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    Cyient launches IDEAthon for startups telanganatoday.com The participants will have to share a creative idea using virtual reality technology to develop learning...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    How this diagnostics startup wants to make workplaces safe amid coronavirus yourstory.com Hyderabad-based diagnostics startup DoctorC launches Safe Workplace of the Future, an initiative that aims to make getting back to work efficient and scalable, ...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    T-Hub joins hands with South Korea startup agency telanganatoday.com Formalised virtually, the MoU was signed by T-Hub CEO Ravi Narayan and Jung Hwan Moon, Chief Representative (India), Korea SMEs & Startup Center - an initiative...

    Added on 11 July 2020
    Added on 11 July 2020
    Rein in these private schools, say Hyderabad parents newindianexpress.com Schools ask parents to pay full fees, and extra for online classes...
