1 Billion in Rupees - Conversion, Solved Examples, FAQs | PW
1 billion in rupees is 10,000 million. 1 billion is a natural number and is given by 1,000,000,000. The number before 1 billion is 999,999,999 and the following number is 1,000,000,001.
Let’s make Physics and Chemistry easy with Physicswallah, PW Pathshala Courses for JEE, NEET | Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | NCERT Solutions want to read more about Physics Wallah visit our website@ More
What are the types of substances in Class 9?
A homogeneous material that contains particles of only one kind and has a definite set of properties is called a pure substance.
e.g. Iron, silver, oxygen, sulphur, Carbon dioxide etc., are pure substances because each of them has only one kind of particles.
Get the detailed notes of class9 chapter "Is matter around us pure" from the below link
According to the #english Calender, there’re 12 months of the #year. The English calendar is also called the Gregorian #calender. During the year there are 365 days which means 12 months in total, each month contains 28, 29, 30, and 31 days. The exception of 29 days only happens in the case of #leap year which happens every 4th year. Here is the List of all the 12 months of the year
10 Easy To Make Science Projects For Class 7 Students
Looking for the coolest science projects for your grade seven child? Here are some very popular & interesting science projects you can refer to
In this blog, we will suggest 10 easy-to-make kids-friendly science projects that will help them grow their domain of science knowledge and critical thinking.
Are you looking for #Maths#formulas for all classes? if yes then you are on the right page academic team of Physics Wallah and its proficient #teachers uploaded the Maths formulas pdf for #classes 7 to 12. We have prepared separate sheets for each class and for each class we have uploaded one or two pages of maths formulas in each chapter
Time travel is possible, according to mathematical models and scientific theories. However, the current status of science and technology does not allow us to build a device that can travel back in time. It is believed that in the distant future, time travel might be possible through advances in technology.
Physicists are researching to find answers to a few unknown questions. One of the questions that they are researching is related to the possibility of time travel. They want to find out whether time travel is possible. If somehow possible, a time machine can be created. This is the reason they are researching and working on it. The search for the time machine is on!