Let’s make Physics and Chemistry easy with Physicswallah, PW Pathshala Courses for JEE, NEET | Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | NCERT Solutions want to read more about Physics Wallah visit our website@ More
Time travel is possible, according to mathematical models and scientific theories. However, the current status of science and technology does not allow us to build a device that can travel back in time. It is believed that in the distant future, time travel might be possible through advances in technology.
Physicists are researching to find answers to a few unknown questions. One of the questions that they are researching is related to the possibility of time travel. They want to find out whether time travel is possible. If somehow possible, a time machine can be created. This is the reason they are researching and working on it. The search for the time machine is on!
Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction Class 8 Physics Wallah Notes
Physics Wallah provides the complete notes of class 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of friction with a diagrammatic representation so that students find it easy to recall during their exams
Arjuna Batch 2024 Physics Wallah: A Detailed Review
Physics Wallah, India’s fastest-growing EdTech startup, started its Arjuna Batch 2.0 for JEE/NEET aspirants on Jun 16, 2022. It’s been four months since Arjuna Batch began. We are here to give you a detailed review of this course and will share the experiences of some of the students who are a part of this batch.
Best Recommended Books For JEE Mains And Advanced | Physics Wallah
To crack JEE Mains and Advanced, you have to start with strong basics. You need to have a good understanding of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics which is essential. After this, you need to have strong fundamentals in the subjects like English, Computer Science, and Biology. Further, You need to do self-study for various competitive exams. Here we will suggest some good books for JEE Mains and Advanced as recommended by toppers
List Of Neighbouring Countries Of India
India is the 7 largest country in the world in terms of area with 3,287,263 km square area. It is the largest democracy in the world with a population of 1.21 billion. Neighboring Countries of India are Bangladesh in the East, Nepal, and Bhutan in the North, Pakistan in the West, and Sri Lanka and the Maldives in the South.