Maitri Sharma

  • Noida sector-62
Hi, I’m Maitri sharma Education Expert at (Physics Wallah), The most affordable learning platform that cares about you.
  • Noida sector-62

Maitri Sharma

Hi, I’m Maitri sharma Education Expert at (Physics Wallah), The most affordable learning platform that cares about you.
  • Noida sector-62
Hi, I’m Maitri sharma Education Expert at (Physics Wallah), The most affordable learning platform that cares about you.
  • Noida sector-62
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Added on 26 August 2022
8 Benefits Of Being A Neet Aspirant issuu.com Understanding the absurd voices of every NEET aspirant in this period of restlessness.According to research, the NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) Examination is one of India's most frantic examinations. With more than 10 lakh students registering for the NEET Examination, the popularity and reputation are increasing. .... read more

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Let’s make Physics and Chemistry easy with Physicswallah, PW Pathshala Courses for JEE, NEET | Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | NCERT Solutions want to read more about Physics Wallah visit our website@ More


Added on 14 October 2022
List Of Neighbouring Countries Of India
India is the 7 largest country in the world in terms of area with 3,287,263 km square area. It is the largest democracy in the world with a population of 1.21 billion. Neighboring Countries of India are Bangladesh in the East, Nepal, and Bhutan in the North, Pakistan in the West, and Sri Lanka and the Maldives in the South.


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Added on 27 September 2022
List of Months of The Year | Physics Wallah

According to the #english Calender, there’re 12 months of the #year. The English calendar is also called the Gregorian #calender. During the year there are 365 days which means 12 months in total, each month contains 28, 29, 30, and 31 days. The exception of 29 days only happens in the case of #leap year which happens every 4th year. Here is the List of all the 12 months of the year


Added on 07 October 2022
Physics Wallah Maths Formula List

Are you looking for #Maths #formulas for all classes? if yes then you are on the right page academic team of Physics Wallah and its proficient #teachers uploaded the Maths formulas pdf for #classes 7 to 12. We have prepared separate sheets for each class and for each class we have uploaded one or two pages of maths formulas in each chapter


Added on 17 August 2022
What is the Full Form of DNS?

The full form of DNS is the Domain Name System. DNS is connected to the Internet and focuses on a system that uses the Internet Protocol (IP). DNS servers are required for DNS to work. The IP address is calculated using the search table


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Added on 20 October 2022
Top 10 Reasons Why Every Student Should Take the Olympiad Exam

Olympiads are an excellent alternative for students who want to learn and develop an interest in one or more subjects. These are subject-specific, highly competitive exams crafted to bring out the best in a student by putting their understanding to the test.


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Top 10 Reasons Why Every Student Should Take the Olympiad Exam livepositively.com Olympiads are an excellent alternative for students who want to learn and develop an interest in one or more subjects. These are subject-specific, highly compet...

Added on 17 October 2022
1 Billion in Rupees - Conversion, Solved Examples, FAQs | PW
1 billion in rupees is 10,000 million. 1 billion is a natural number and is given by 1,000,000,000. The number before 1 billion is 999,999,999 and the following number is 1,000,000,001.


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