Luma Bakery

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Search our global directory of cake mapping suppliers, watch videos & tutorials and shop for cake mapping video content.


cake mapping
cake projection mapping
projection mapping
3d mapping
3d cake mapping
cake video mapping
video mapping


Luma Bakery gained a wealth of experience providing a professional cake projection mapping service at weddings, parties and celebrations throughout the UK for over two years.

Now it exists as a learning platform & cake mapping hub.

We offer comprehensive tutorial videos on how to use projection mapping to create an animated cake from beginner to intermediate level, as well as videos on how to use projection mapping software https://lumabakery.com/tutorials/

Luma Bakery also sells its popular animations and cake mapping designs which are available to purchase at https://lumabakery.com/shop/

Visitors can search our global directory of cake mapping services to find projection mapping providers in their local area https://lumabakery.com/cake-mapping-provider-directory/
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