
  • 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd., Ste 150, San Diego, CA 92121
Listed Simply charges only $149 for a flat fee MLS listing service. Empower yourself as the listing agent, with no commission. Start today!
  • Affordable Flat Fee MLS Listing Service at $149
  • 9920 Pacific Heights Blvd., Ste 150, San Diego, CA 92121


Listed Simply charges only $149 for a flat fee MLS listing service. Empower yourself as the listing agent, with no commission. Start today!


flat fee MLS listing
Flat Fee MLS
flat fee mls listing service

Marketplace Listings

Struggling with a Run-Down House? Sell It As-Is, Hassle-Free!

Is selling your run-down property proving to be a tough challenge? Turn to the MLS listing site to help make selling your old property a bre...
4 days ago | 12 views
Is selling your run-down property proving to be a tough challenge? Turn to the MLS listing site to help make selling your old property a bre...