Kristen Jones

    Kristen Jones

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    Added on 04 April 2019

    Translation Prizes Around the World

     Read Russia Prize – The Read Russia Prize is a biennial award for the best translation of Russian literature in the preceding two years.

     Man Booker International Prize – Despite being a literary award originally, it rewards the winning novel’s translator equally with the author.

     Found in Translation Award – The Found in Translation Award is an annual prize that comes with a cash reward of PLN 16,000 and a three-month residency in Krakow. The award recognizes translations in English from Polish.

     The John Dryden Translation Competition – It is an annual prize that awards a one-year BCLA membership and cash prizes of 350, 200 and 100 pounds. The prize recognizes the translation of unpublished literary translations from any language into English.

     The Stephen Spender Prize – It recognizes poetry translations made from any language into English. It rewards young translators with an under-14 and under-18 category.

    The PEN Translation Prize and the Goethe-Institut Award for New Translation are other notable translation prizes that aim to reward fine translation work around the world.


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