Languages and dialects are dying at an alarming pace all over the world. Growing disinterest in learning dying languages is fueling this trend. Some languages are so rare that they are only spoken by a small remote community. Let’s take a look at the languages that are spoken the least in our world –
Hanti – Hanti is a West Siberian language spoken by less than 10,000 people at this moment. The languages rely on an evidential system where the speaker has to indicate whether they’ve gained knowledge about something from hearsay or personally witnessed it happening.
Njerep – Njerep is even more endangered. The Bantoid language has become extinct in Cameroon and is only spoken by 4 people in Nigeria. The youngest person reported to speak this language is 60 – the language is unlikely to survive beyond the current generation, as a result.
Taushiro – Only one person in the entire world speaks this Peruvian language.
Tanema – The Tanema language of Solomun Islands also has one surviving speaker. You will need to travel all the way to the Emua village of Solomun Inslan’s Temotu province in order to find somebody who might understand Tanema.
These 4 languages are some of the rarest in the entire world.
Challenges in Translating Poetry
Translating literary texts is generally considered to be more difficult than translating other texts. Poems are even more challenging for so many reasons.
Translation Prizes Around the World
Think your translation services are top-notch? Test your skills with these translation prizes that are on offer around the world. These prizes provide recognition, prestige and even cash rewards to translators who can ensure high quality of work.
Factors that influence language learning
All of us pick up our primary language quite easily when compared to a secondary language. Then again, some of us appear to be more skilled at language acquisition than others.