Kothari Medical Centre Presents a one-day CME & Workshop by renowned Gastroenterologists and Intensivists across India. Date 21st January, 2018, Venue - Hotel Taj bengal
The Department of Gastroenterology at Kothari Medical specializes in diagnosing, preventing and treating the digestive tract and liver disorders. These mainly include conditions involving the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon. #Gastroenterology#GastroDepartment#DigestiveIssues#Liverdisorder#Pancreatic#KothariMedical
As a part of our continuous effort to make basic healthcare accessible to all, Kothari Medical Centre conducted a health check-up camp at Burdwan at ‘Burdwan University’ on 8th August, 2018.
Loaded with numerous health benefits, Green Tea has become a popular beverage world over. It is loaded with health-benefiting compounds that not only offer relief from common health-related issues; but also keep chronic diseases at bay.