Dental and Oral problems can lead to severe complications, if not treated on time. Do not ignore the symptoms and get a comprehensive oral check-up from the specialist, Dr. Ankush Bansal (MDS, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery). #OralHealth#DentalCare#Dentalsurgery#DentalCheckup#KothariMedical
Most people don’t like to talk about it, but having a Gastrointestinal problem is common. There’s no need to suffer in silence. If you suspect you could have any issues, don't delay in reaching out to a doctor. #Gastricproblem#Gastroenterology#Abdominalpain#Acidity#Stomachupset
Water is a very essential component to remain healthy. It lubricates the joints. It forms saliva and mucus. It boosts skin health and beauty. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues. It regulates body temperature. It flushes body waste. It helps to maintain blood pressure. #WaterBenefit#DailyHealthyHabit#StayHydrated#KothariMedical