Diabetes can cause long term damage to our body. Learn about every little big symptom and start taking care of it.
Learn more from our highly skilled doctors. #diabetes#kotharimedicalcentre#hospitalsinkolkata
Are you feeling hungry even after eating or feeling more tired than usual??
It can be an early symptom of Diabetes.
Do not overlook these problems. Visit us today.
To book your appointment call 03340127000
There are various tests to determine a diabetes diagnosis or the risk of developing diabetes. Check your blood sugar in time to keep your glucose levels in check. #kotharimedical#diabeteskotharimedical.com
The burden of infectious diseases is increasing leaps and bounds as we do little care to follow a few god habits, and hand #hygiene being one of them. Studies have shown that most of the infectious diseases like colitis, diarrhea, sore throat, cold, cough & fever skin-disease, and even urinary tract infection can easily be avoided if we pay heed to daily hand-hygiene.
"Kothari Medical Centre, as a responsible healthcare provider, always believes in effectual community engagement to spread awareness against the possible health hazards and threats which can be nipped in the bud."
"wash your hand, wash away diseases" – was a 30 minute awareness drive where the students of class VI to VII of neighborhood schools were engaged for a session on effective hand-hygiene through a presentation, quiz and proper hand-hygiene method.
Kothari Medical offers you a wide range of dental treatment services which include Root canal, crowns & bridges, scaling, veneering and extraction etc. #kotharimedical#dentalkotharimedical.com