The term #RainwaterHarvestingPlant is used to restore the rainwater for future use with effective management and conservation. The stored rainwater can be used for human, animal and agricultural needs through the water collection method. Water is collected and pumped through separate pipe distribution.
A #rainwaterharvestingsystem can be used to supply water for irrigation and/or potable use. Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rain for reuse.
In zero liquid discharge, even a single drop of water is not allowed to discharge. #ZeroLiquidDischarge Water is the best way to treat the liquid waste from the water and also it could be a great solution for the environment.
#Rainwaterharvestingsystem is the method of self-supply of water for households, and residential and household-scale projects, usually financed by the user.
We are leading #CommonEffluentTreatmentPlant (CETP) is to reduce the treatment cost for individual units while protecting the environment. #CETPPlant has been accepted as a solution for collecting, conveying, treating, and disposing of the effluents.