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  • Du Cane Road London W12 0NN United Kingdom
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Website : https://www.facebook.com/HCAHealthcareUK/posts/justin-stebbing-an-oncologist-from-leaders-in-oncology-care-is-nominated-for-hea/427506504007690/
Address : Du Cane Road London W12 0NN United Kingdom
Phone : 44 207 5942793

Professor Justin Stebbing honorably sits on the advisory board of numerous international cancer committees, and rightfully so. Justin Stebbing is well aware that cancer research is of paramount importance to all people, no matter where they live. The determination to find more effective treatments for cancer, has motivated Mr. Stebbing to focus primarily on developing cures through advanced drug development, and gene regulation. He feels the most exciting developments in this field are coming from Immunotherapy. Such therapies allow for the patient’s immune system to attack and exterminate cancer. Justin states "Our own immune system is performing a biopsy of our own cancers every second of the day, and is the ultimate in personalized care.
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