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    Added on 27 July 2022
    What is Social media monitoring and why it is important?

    Social media is much more than just sharing photos, connecting with others, and publishing videos. If used properly, it may be a very powerful digital marketing tool for businesses. Social media is a tool to draw customers, receive customer feedback, and increase brand loyalty. It also serves as a platform for keeping your audience interested. However, thanks to data science and other breakthroughs, social media can now give us insights into

    Added on 25 July 2022
    How is Artificial Intelligence used in the EdTech industry?

    The education industry is where it's most crucial to stay updated in this age of technology. AI is not the nerdy instructor who is versed in her field. AI is the most intelligent instructor you will ever have. Versatile and multifaceted in every way. With AI-powered LMS, we can fully benefit from online education. Here are a few of the most clever uses of artificial intelligence in the field of educational technology.



    Added on 23 July 2022
    Top 7 interactive classroom ideas

    Whether it is a traditional classroom or online education, there are many different approaches to instructing kids. But one of the best methods to teach kids is via interactive classroom activities if you really want students to engage with the lesson and not just memorize facts or statistics. Interactive classroom activities encourage student participation and engagement with the teachings or material by eschewing one-way communication.


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    Added on 19 July 2022
    8 Simple Steps To Increase eLearning Engagement

    Elearning has been the latest buzz. With the increased adoption of online education and eLearning platforms, the challenges also grew. The major challenging being “eLearning engagement”. Based on a survey conducted among 200 eLearning platforms, around 71% of them registered eLearning engagement as the most challenging thing during delivering online classes. In this article, we give you golden rules and strategies for learners' engagement. Incorporating these simple strategies will positively impact the learners
    Udemy Clone | Udemy Clone Script | Udemy Clone App - ExpertPlus LMS bsetec.com Create udemy clone using ExpertPlus LMS, a powerful udemy clone php script to build an eLearning marketplace like Udemy, Lynda and Coursera. Contact Us...

    Added on 12 July 2022
    The Different Benefits Of The Udemy App Clone Script

    The concept of learning style has evolved at a greater pace in recent times. The majority of students opt for online education and therefore there is a high demand for udemy clone scripts to launch their own LMS platform. Some of the benefits of online education are,

    Learn anything: Udemy provides more than 32000 courses. The major advantage of online education is it provides a wide range of courses in different genres like

    Added on 08 July 2022
    Udemy clone app online learning management system

    ExpertPlus LMS, Our udemy clone script is a pre-built, pre-tested, ready-to-use eminent white-labeled solution to launch your e-learning platform immediately. Our team of Engineers has carefully curated the online learning management software with front-line features using leading-edge technologies. It is efficient, easily customizable, and is ingrained with all the core features you need for a sophisticated e-learning experience.

    Get in touch with us:


    Email id: bsetecseogmail.com

    WhatsApp No: 91 9677717033

    Skype: bsetech

    #education #educationalplatformbuildingalearningapp #elearning #elearningsoftware #elearningsoftwaredevelopment

    Added on 11 June 2022
    The Various Sources Of Revenue Guaranteed Through Udemy Clone App Development

    Nowadays, learning online is easily accessible through apps like Udemy. All we have to do is enroll in the e-learning platform and choose a suitable course you are looking for, and voila! You are ready to learn the course in your spare time . Such online learning platforms offer diverse course options. Courses cover a whole range of subjects that help people get where they want to go in their

    Added on 09 June 2022
    How AI-driven robots and drones bring cognitive intelligence to Industry

    By definition cognitive intelligence is defined as human mental ability and understanding developed through thinking, experiences and senses. It is the ability to generate knowledge by using existing information.

    It also includes other intellectual functions such as attention, learning, memory, judgment and reasoning. So cognitive intelligence in industry is used for inspection purposes, to check the quality of the product, looking for flaws that are not upto the standard. With the

    Added on 09 June 2022
    Fascinating Udemy clone traits that can help your business grow

    Filmmakers remake a blockbuster movie. Studios pick remakes because the original movie brands are popular, and many remake movies have proved to be blockbusters as well. So, basically imitative design over innovative design has always been in the society, and imitative design has proved to be successful too! Likewise, Udemy clones will help your business grow in unimaginable ways. This is because of the following promising features it possesses.

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