What makes me, me?
I developed my own pictures in my father's darkroom when I was 10 years old.
I was always the devoted dad with the big camera at my kid's soccer games.
I love dogs. That's Oreo on the right (or at the bottom if you are viewing this on a mobile device). He's my now one-year-old sheepadoodle. Everyone else in the cell-phone picture is part of my family, including my wife (Kathy-who is also my assistant, holding Oreo), kids, grandkids, nephew, and sibling. I'm not in many family pictures, including this one, because I'm always the guy with the camera.
Bruce Springsteen is my favorite music artist. I have traveled around the country to go to his concerts. I stopped counting at 50 shows.
In the summer I love driving my 12 year old Porsche Boxster, top down, music blaring.
Eating good food is one of my favorite things to do.