Carbon County Commissioner Will Serve as Moderator at the 2018 Western Career Pathways Conference.
Implementing various Career Pathways Programs has become essential to develop a prosperous economic future for communities across the nation. Carbon County Commissioner Jake Mellor has been asked to serve as a moderator at this year’s Western Career Pathways Conference (WCPC) being held on May 30 through June 1 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It was great to finally hear more of this facts being discussed in our Nations meetings and being part of the decision/legislation-making process. This article resonates well with the discussions I was recently party to in Washington DC this past week.
We raise Carbon County to the next level when we participate with our peers from other counties such as Washington County Commissioner Victor Iverson.
Jake Mellor Cabon County Price
We raise Carbon County to the next level when we participate with our peers from other counties such as Washington County Commissioner Victor Iverson. https:......
Jake Mellor grew up in several small and rural farming communities located in Utah where everybody knows everybody. He graduated from Gunnison Valley High School and one year later with his Associates of Science degree from Snow College. With the goal in mind of being able to serve an LDS mission and pay his own way, he earned his CDL and became a truck driver for the next 8 months or so until he had sufficient funds to serve a Spanish speaking LDS Mission to Tampico.
Jake Mellor is very community oriented and was recently elected to serve a four-year term as one of Carbon County’s Commissioners. He currently serves on several boards and committees; Talent Ready Utah Core Team, State of Utah Council on Workforce Services / State Workforce Investment Board for both the Operations Committee and as the Chair of the Pathways Committee, Southeastern Utah Revolving Loan Fund Board, Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments, Southeastern Utah Health Department Board, Four Corners Behavioral Health Board, Carbon County Economic Development Board,