It was great to finally hear more of this facts being discussed in our Nations meetings and being part of the decision/legislation-making process. This article resonates well with the discussions I was recently party to in Washington DC this past week.
Jake Mellor is very community oriented and was recently elected to serve a four-year term as one of Carbon County’s Commissioners. He currently serves on several boards and committees; Talent Ready Utah Core Team, State of Utah Council on Workforce Services / State Workforce Investment Board for both the Operations Committee and as the Chair of the Pathways Committee, Southeastern Utah Revolving Loan Fund Board, Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments, Southeastern Utah Health Department Board, Four Corners Behavioral Health Board, Carbon County Economic Development Board,
We raise Carbon County to the next level when we participate with our peers from other counties such as Washington County Commissioner Victor Iverson.
Jake Mellor Cabon County Price
We raise Carbon County to the next level when we participate with our peers from other counties such as Washington County Commissioner Victor Iverson. https:......
My name is Bill Krompel and I served as a Carbon County Commissioner for 20+ years from years 1987 to 2010. I have been a lifelong Democrat, but sometimes you have to put your party affiliations aside and choose the best candidate. I have been most impressed by the incumbent Commissioner Jake Mellor who has done some truly amazing things without due recognition. I am personally proud of him making such strides with events at the Fairgrounds since he was given that assignment this past February.
Jake Mellor for Carbon County Commissioner
Yesterday at 12:26 ·
I am looking for honest and professional opinions. Please share with an explanation. Utah has been asked to send a delegation to Washington DC to meet the President of the United States. Carbon County Commissioners are invited. "Should someone represent Carbon County to represent our interests with the rest of the Utah in this unique meeting?"
Jake Mellor for Carbon County
I am looking for honest and professional opinions. Please share with an explanation. Utah has been asked to send a delegation to Washington DC to meet the Presi...
The employees at Jake Mellor Tax and Accounting Services, LLC, celebrated an addition to their company with a ribbon cutting that took place on Wednesday afternoon.
Working with Mayor Mike Kourianos has been a pleasure. I was once called the Kid Commissioner and often treated that way by the previous Mayor, but it has been refreshing to work with someone not afraid of change and willing to not only have those critical and difficult discussions, but to make the hard decisions as well.
Jake Mellor Comissioner Wellington
Working with Mayor Mike Kourianos has been a pleasure. I was once called the Kid Commissioner and often treated that way by the previous Mayor, but it has be......
Price City, Carbon County Commission Candidate Jake Mellor
Carbon County commissioner Jake Mellor said people there have always been willing to awaken early to spend long hours doing hard work, “and not everybody everywhere is able to do that.”What I’m getting at is, I’m not saying that in other locations you’ve got a bad work ethic. It’s just that the level of responsibility, the timeliness and the willingness to go the extra mile at work without the expectations of overtime or
without the expectations of allthe other perks and benefits other people have for putting in the extra effort, we have that in rural Utah.
Vote for Jake Mellor Next Carbon County Commissioner
It has been a great opportunity to be in a position of trust and to help companies find and hire local employees not only to work on the old JC Penny Building, but to help so many local people who were unemployed or underemployed have new employment opportunites that are fully benefited such as Health Equity HSA Specialists.