Ivy.ai is an AI suite offering chatbot tools specifically tailored to meet the diverse needs of universities and colleges.
ai tools
ai education tools
ai learning and education tools
Ivy.ai assists colleges and universities by utilizing chatbots to address student inquiries before they require human intervention. In 2023, Ivy.ai bots managed over 6.2 million unique conversations.
aiXplain: Redefine Your Business with Tailored AI Solutions!
aiXplain makes AI integration easier by providing a platform for creating and overseeing unique AI solutions that improve processes and decision-making.
aiXplain makes AI integration easier by providing a platform for creating and overseeing unique AI solutions that improve processes and decision-making.
Free text to image AI Generator. Brings imagination to life producing wonderful art, illustrations and designs with our Artificial Intelligence Image Generator.
Free text to image AI Generator. Brings imagination to life producing wonderful art, illustrations and designs with our Artificial Intelligence Image Generator.